Directed by: Constanze Klaue
Cast: Anton Franke, Camille Loup Moltzen, Anja Schneider
Written by:
Constanze Klaue
Produced by: Gabriele Simon, Martin Heisler, Alexaner Wadouh, Roxana Richters
Production Company: Flare Film & Chromosom Film
Country: Germany
Language: German
Status: Post-Production


 “Punching the world” is the adaptation of the highly acclaimed novel by Lukas Rietzschel.

Philipp and Tobias grow up in the province of Saxony. Their childhood is marked by a lack of prospects in an otherwise vast landscape. Years later, when their hometown is to take in refugees, the situation escalates. While one brother withdraws into himself, the other seeks an outlet for his rage. And finds it.